Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tumble-N-Toe Touch: Fall 2010

*The primary focus of each class will be increasing strength and flexibility through stretching, conditioning and tumbling. However, in some of the classes elements of cheerleading will be incorporated when the instructor feels it will be beneficial for the students whose interests and activities include cheerleading. In the Winter/Spring as school cheerleading tryouts approach, a separate class for cheerleading preparation may be added if there is enough demand.

Classes Being Offered Fall 2010 (Ages 4 and Up)

FUNdamentals & Extreme Cartwheel Class (45 min.)
This class is for those students just beginning gymnastics and for those who have had gymnastics but have not yet mastered a cartwheel by themselves. More than one class may be offered if there is enough interest. Every effort will be made to keep the class from exceeding 10 children. At any time during the year, a student in this class can move up to the next class, or if the students progress at a similar pace, I will just continue to upgrade the skill level for the entire class.

Round-offs, Walkover's and a Whole Lot More (45 min. or 60 min. depending on age)
This class is for those who can do a cartwheel by themselves and are ready to learn more advanced skills. Skills covered in this class include round-offs, walkovers, and handsprings!

Crazy for Back-handsprings Class (60 min.)
In order to be in this class, you have to show the instructor that you are able to do a backbend kick-over, back walkover, or be able to attempt a back handspring with a spot. The instructor has the right to recommend that a student learn more fundamentals in one of the other classes before being able to participate in the back handspring class. In addition to standing back handsprings, this class will also accommodate those wanting to learn a round-off back handspring. This class is not limited to back handsprings as other tumbling will also be emphasized.

Flip-Flops and Tucks (60 min.)
This class is for the advanced tumbler who can already do a standing back handspring and is ready to move on to series tumbling (ie. round-off back handsprings or tucks). In order to be in this class the instructor must be aware of your tumbling ability.

*These classes are not set in stone but are meant to be a guideline for placement. There may be some overlap in the classes which will be assigned based on ability level while taking age in to consideration!

*A registration form and medical waiver will be provided on the first night of class.

*Payment is expected at the beginning of each month, unless other arrangements have been made ahead of time with the Instructor. The monthly fee remains the same even if a child is absent from a lesson.

*T-shirts sporting the above logo will be available this fall for purchase!